Proceedings, Slides & Posters

 Slides, Posters and proceedings for PHOST conference will be entirely electronic and freely available online through Zenodo, an EU funded data and project repository. All submissions must therefore be made on Zenodo's webpage.

Slides and Posters

We encourage you to share your slides and full posters as soon as possible. PDF versions of these documents are the preferred format for Zenodo contributions to permit the documents to be previewed in a web browser.

How to upload my slides or my poster?

Procedure is described in the following PDF file: Procedure for uploading Slides and Posters



To facilitate accessibilty and visibility, all proceedings will be indexed on the ADS. Briefly, all submissions are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number by Zenodo, making contributions citeable. Once all contributions to proceedings are received, ADS will be notified, they will scrape the Zenodo collection, and then ADS will index each of the contributions as part of a larger volume (Proceedings for PHOST Conference). To ensure that all entries are properly indexed, it is vital that each contribution include appropriate metadata. In the tutorial below, you'll be instructed about which metadata to include in your submission.

Submission to the arXiv in parallel with submission to the conference proceedings is encouraged. However, if you submit to the arXiv, you must make sure to update the metadata in your Zenodo collection properly so that it does not get listed twice in ADS.

Preparing your contribution

Contributions are accepted from invited reviews, contributed talks and posters. To prepare your proceedings, please use the following LaTeX template and generate a PDF file. There are no formal page limits, but, for some guidance, we recommend you limit yourself  to 8-12 pages for invited talks, 6-10 pages for contributed talks, and 4-6 pages for posters.

Submission of presentation slides from speakers and full posters are also encouraged. PDF versions of these documents are the preferred format for Zenodo contributions to permit the documents to be previewed in a web browser. Contributions will be checked for the proper metadata.


Please submit your proceedings before December 1st, 2018

Submission procedure

Submitting to Zenodo is rather simple, but it's important that all metadata be properly included so that articles get properly indexed on ADS. A step-by-step description of th procedure is detailled in the following PDF file: Proceeding submission procedure




These tutorials are largely inspired by the one provided by the Cool Stars 20 workshop:

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